Our Vision

Make memories that will last a lifetime

       The platforms that currently exist focus on single people finding dates or even solo gratification. There is not a large market to help couples, not only spend more quality time together, but keep their passion and build a stronger bond. Relationships require a lot of work. That doesn’t make things easy now that the world is infinitely more complex. It can be hard to keep up with all the distractions, duties, and obligations that come along with living your best life. Sometimes the people that are most important to us get neglected. The average long-term relationship ends after 2 years and 9 months. We want to change all that. So we asked ourselves the question: How can we help keep couples together, and do it in a way that will be fun and exciting? One pattern that is consistent, is after a certain point, many couples go on the same date over and over again. In some cases, they stop going on dates all together. Essentially they stop having new experiences, therefore they’re having less fun. We had a vision when we set out to create this mobile app, that we could be instrumental in helping relationships last. We truly believe this product will allow couples to keep, even reignite the fire in their relationships.

How you can help!

   We truly want to bring the best experience possible to the community and the best way to do that is with your help. Give us your feedback. Tell us about your experience. How can we make the existing dates better? And what ideas would you like to see made into new dates. Visit ‘Submit Idea’ on the home page to help us deliver the best experience for couples around the world. If you know a couple that could benefit from our app, then spread the word. Also we want to hear your story, if you feel our app helped your relationship for the better, then email us at Myaffinity7@gmail.com and tell us all about it. We hope to hear from you!